Peregrine Recorder Orchestra concerts
We put on two or three public concerts per year, mostly in the
Beds / Herts / Cambs area. Most are at the direct invitation of another
charitable organisation or, for example, a church which is trying to
raise funds for charity. We try to make our concerts audience-friendly,
with a mixture of well-known tunes and others which may not be so
familiar, but demonstrate the versatility of the recorder family.
We make a small charge for our services, to help cover our costs, but
the majority of the proceeds from ticket sales go to the charity
Where we have been invited to put on the concert, we would not expect
to pay for hiring the concert venue. Suitable venues have included
churches, village halls and stately homes, but we cannot normally play
If you think you may be interested in hosting one of our concerts,
please contact our Secretary Elaine: (07939) 036726
Lunchtime Concert
Tuesday 25th March 2025, 1:00 to 2:00pm at St Paul's Church, Bedford MK40 1SQ
A programme of music with the theme of "Places in the UK"
Free entry, retiring collection - see church website for details of concert series etc. The Church of St Paul, Bedford : Music - Concerts & Recitals
Evening Concert
Saturday 5th July 2025 at St George's Church, Letchworth Garden City SG6 1DA
More details nearer the time
Afternoon Concert
Saturday 8th November 2025 at St Peter's Church, Arlesey SG15 6UX
More details nearer the time