About playing in Peregrine Recorder Orchestra

Rehearsals are held on alternate Thursday evenings at Ickwell Village Hall between 7:30 and 9:30 pm with a break in the middle. Most are conducted by our current Musical Director, Jane Edis, though others are able to step in if required. All music is provided. It is important that you attend rehearsals regularly, and in particular the final rehearsal before a concert. You will normally be required to attend  rehearsals from the beginning of term before you are eligible to play in a concert.

The music we play covers a variety of styles from the Baroque period to the present day, and we use 8 different sizes of recorder – garklein (occasionally), sopranino, descant, treble, tenor, bass, great bass and contra bass. You will need to be able to play at least two of these, and the minimum standard is equivalent to Grade 6. You don't need  to actually have  the exam under your belt, but will need to be able to demonstrate that your playing and reading are up to scratch! We will currently consider players from 16 years of age, with no upper age limit...

Peregrine is a friendly group of players, and still has three members who started with us in 1985! We are a registered charity and members donate £20 per term for 3 terms per year to help with running costs.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact our Secretary, Elaine:

secretary.peregrine@gmail.com     (07939) 036726

You will then be invited to come along to a specific rehearsal, fitting in with our schedule, to "try out" - and, of course, to see if you like us!