Peregrine Recorder Orchestra school visits

Unfortunately since our Musical Director and several of our players still have "day jobs", we can't bring the whole orchestra to your school. However a sub-group from Peregrine, which includes several ex-teachers and is led by our Schools Coordinator, visits local schools to demonstrate the full range of recorders which we play. Music and the length of the session can be tailored to the age of the children; most visits have been to Junior / Middle schools, but other ages can be catered for! Visits are arranged on a one-off basis to suit the availability of players and the school day, but some schools have requested several return visits.

A small charge is made to help cover costs of e.g. music and players' travelling expenses.

If you would like to talk about arranging a visit to your school, please contact our Schools Coordinator, Susan:        (07803) 503381